Plastic and cosmetic surgery

Plastic surgery is a dedicated surgical specialty that involves restoration, reconstruction or some form of alteration of the body

Plastic surgery is a dedicated surgical specialty that involves restoration, reconstruction or some form of alteration of the body, including:

• cosmetic and aesthetic plastic surgery
• reconstructive plastic surgery
• craniofacial plastic surgery
• hand plastic surgery
• microsurgery
• various types of burns treatments

The adjective plastic in the term plastic surgery implies sculpting, reshaping. The term itself is derived from the Ancient Greek word πλαστική (τέχνη) – the art of modelling of the flesh.

The English meaning is attested as early as 1598. The surgical definition of 'plastic' first appeared in 1839, preceding by seventy years the contemporary 'material made out of petroleum' sense of the word plastic (coined by Leo Bakeland and first used in 1909).

Treatments for the plastic repair of a fractured (broken) nose are mentioned as early as 3000 BC in the Edwin Smith Papyrus, which is a transcription of an ancient Egyptian medical text. It contains some of the oldest known surgical treatise, which dates to Old Kingdom (3000 to 2500 BC).

Reconstructive surgery techniques were performed in India by 800 BC.

British physicians witnessed rhinoplasties being performed by native Indian methods. Such reports on Indian rhinoplasty were published in the Gentleman's Magazine in 1794.

Roman scholar Aulus Cornelius Celsus recorded surgical techniques, incl. plastic surgery, in 1st century AD.

Romans performed plastic cosmetic surgery as well. They were able to perform simple techniques (i.e. repairing damaged ears) around the 1st century BC.

Aulus Cornelius Celsus left amazingly accurate anatomical descriptions, some of which are of special interest to the art of plastic surgery (i.e. detailed studies on genitalia and the skeleton).

Until better anesthetic techniques were established, surgery of healthy tissues involved a great amount of pain. Infection was common prior to the introduction of sterile techniques and disinfectant treatment. The invention and wide spread use of antibiotics like sulfonamide and penicillin, was another huge step in making elective surgery safe and possible.

1793 - François Chopart performed operative procedure on a lip, using a flap from the neck.

1814 - Joseph Carpue successfully performed operative procedure on a British military officer who had lost his nose due to toxic effects of mercury treatment.

1818 - German surgeon Carl Ferdinand von Graefe published his major work entitled “Rhinoplastik”. Von Graefe modified the Italian method using a free skin graft from the arm instead of delayed pedicle flap.

The first American plastic surgeon was John Peter Mettauer, who, in 1827, performed the first cleft palate operation with instruments he designed himself. In 1845, Johann Friedrich Dieffenbach wrote a comprehensive study on rhinoplasty – “Operative Chirurgie”. He introduced the concept of re-operation as a way to improve the aesthetic appearance of the once reconstructed nose.

1891 - American otorhinolaryngologist John Roe presented an example of reduced dorsal nasal hump for aesthetic indications.

1892 - Robert Weir experimented unsuccessfully with xenografts (duck sternum) in the reconstruction of sunken nose.

1928 - Jacques Joseph published “Nasenplastik und Sonstige Gesichtsplastik”.

Препоръчани клиники за такъв тип заболявания

Popular procedures
What are the most popular cosmetic procedures

Among some of the most popular procedures in plastic surgery today are lipoplasty (also known as liposuction), eyelid surgery, breast implants, nose reconstruction (nose job), facelift and Botox injections. Recovery within these and other procedures times vary.

Liposuction and lipoplasty

Lipoplasty, also called body sculpting, is a surgical way to remove pockets of fat, where the surgeon vacuums out the fat through a small incision in the desired area. Aftereffects include swelling and some bruising, as well as numbness in the suctioned area, but all these eventually fade.


The skin of the face tends to sag and fold as people age. A facelift stretches the skin up toward the scalp, tightening and smoothing it. After the surgerythe bruising fades in about two weeks. Swelling may last longer. Also some numbness in the face can be present – this usually lasts several weeks. Patients should get back into normal routine in two weeks after the surgery is done.


Botox injections (botulinum toxin) are used to smooth frown lines and wrinkles around the eyes. Botox procedures paralyze the muscles in the forehead, so decreased movement of these muscles should be expected. Good news here is there’s usually no major recovery process involved with this procedure. There may be some swelling, bruising, and numbness, but most patients just get the procedure done and walk away without complications. The results are not permanent. Usually injections every 3-4 months are needed to keep the result.


Eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) reshapes the eyelids, often as an aim to remove bagginess and tighten lose skin around the eyes. This procedure doesn't remove fine wrinkle lines, doctors warn. Bruises and swelling usually go away in a week to 10 days.

Breast implants

Breast implants are silicone or saline-filled bags placed between the breast tissue and chest muscles or between the chest muscles and the chest wall. Patients are usually able to get out of bed a day or two after the surgery. For a period from a few days up to a week after the surgery the patients may feel well enough to return to their daily routine, work, etc. One should abstain from exercise for two-three weeks.

Nose jobs

Reconstructive surgery can be done to re-sculpt the nose by removing skin and altering it’s structure. Patients recover for a day or two after a nose job, but bruising, swelling and bruising will be visible for two-three weeks.


How long will the benefits last?
How long do plastic surgery procedures last?

How long will the benefits last?

The results of your plastic surgery depend on the procedure, your age, quality of the surgery performed and other factors. In general results from most plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery procedures are long lasting when healthy weight and overall healthy lifestyle is maintained by the patients.

Basically all plastic surgery cosmetic and aesthetic reconstructive procedures have very long-term results.

The longevity of plastic surgery is very procedure specific. Some procedures only last a couple of months, while others last a lifetime. Some plastic surgery procedures give a significant benefit for the rest of the life, but in many cases the results will be diminished over time.

Procedures with results that usually last a lifetime with little to no change over time include:

• rhinoplasty
• otoplasty
• other reconstructive surgical procedures

Plastic surgical procedures with long-term benefits that will last a lifetime, but some changes over time can be expected:

• breast augmentation
• breast reduction
• breast lift
• facelifting
• liposuction and liposculpture
• tummy tuck
• eyelid surgery

Surgical procedures that are expected to lose some of the results over time:

• botox (4-6 months)
• soft tissue fillers (6 months - 2 years)

Treatment in reconstructive, cosmetic & aesthetic plastic surgery

What’s the difference in treatment between cosmetic surgery and plastic surgery

Cosmetic surgery and plastic surgery are closely related specialties, but they are not the same.

While both cosmetic surgery and plastic surgery deal with improving a patient’s body, the overarching philosophies guiding the training, research, and goals for patient outcomes are different.

The procedures, techniques, and principles of cosmetic surgery are entirely focused on enhancing a patient’s appearance. Improving aesthetic appeal, symmetry, and proportion are among the key goals.

Cosmetic surgery can be performed on all areas of the head, neck, and body. Because the treated areas function properly, cosmetic surgery is elective. Cosmetic surgery is practiced by doctors from a variety of medical fields, including plastic surgeons.

Cosmetic surgery procedures includes:

• breast enhancement
• breast augmentation
• breast lift
• breast reduction
• facial contouring
• rhinoplasty
• chin enhancement
• cheek enhancement
• facial rejuvenation
• facelift
• eyelid lift
• neck lift
• brow lift
• body contouring
• tummy tuck
• liposuction
• gynecomastia treatment
• skin rejuvenation
• laser resurfacing
• botox® injections
• filler treatments

Plastic surgery is focused on repairing the defects to reconstruct a normal function and appearance of the patient. 

Plastic surgery is defined as a surgical specialty dedicated to reconstruction of facial and body defects due to birth disorders, trauma, burns, and disease. Plastic surgery is intended to correct dysfunctional areas of the body and is reconstructive in nature. While many plastic surgeons choose to complete additional training and perform cosmetic surgery as well, the basis of their surgical training remains reconstructive plastic surgery.

Here are some examples of popular plastic surgery procedures:

• breast reconstruction
• burn repair surgery
• congenital defect repair
• cleft palate reconstruction
• extremity defect repair
• lower extremity reconstruction
• hand surgery
• scar revision surgery


Top 10 in plastic surgery
Best & worst examples from the world of reconstructive surgery

Top 10 in plastic surgery

Advances in plastic surgery help millions every day to recover after severe trauma, burns, and the consequences of various diseases affecting the skin and the body surface.

In popular culture aesthetic surgery is known as a common procedure to which the rich and famous - singers, actors and TV celebrities – often resort.

Media often displays various lists and charts with the most successful and the most shocking results of plastic surgery updated every year with fresh examples of successful as well as not so successful interventions.

Here are some of the most successful celebrity examples of aesthetic and cosmetic plastic surgery procedures and operations:

 1. Angelina Jolie

Анджелина Джоли

2. Jennifer Aniston

Дженифър Анистън

3. J Lo

Дженифър Лопес

4. Kate Gosslin

Кейт Гослин

5. Kelly Osbourne

Кели Озбърн

6. Kira Sedgwick

Кира Седжуик

7. Melissa Leo

Мелиса Лео

8. Scarlett Johannson

Скарлет Йохансон

9. Cindy Crawford

Синди Крофорд

10. Jane Fonda

Джейн Фонда

Source: Business Insider

Unsuccessful procedures

The success of a surgical procedure depends on various factors. Ultimately, the most important is what’s the purpose of the operation and whether the procedure is carried out in accordance with the rules of good practice, safety and sterile environment. It is important to know that malpractice exists and important procedures such as plastic surgery should be performed only by trained medical specialists and in controlled environment.

Overdoing can also cause things to go out of hand. We can see some of the most shocking examples of Hollywood bad results of plastic surgery in the following pictures:

1. Jocelyn Wildenstein

2. Lil' Kim

3. Joane Rivers

4. Donatella Versace

5. Heidi Montag

6. Hang Mioku

7. Sarah Burge

8. Mickey Rourke

9. Renee Zellweger

10. Pete Burns

Source: lifebg

Perception of the aesthetic is different for different people, but when it comes to cosmetic surgery, it is important to observe a certain moderation and resorting to operations only when there is a real need and a good prognosis for improvement of the patient. Be sure to protect yourself from unscrupulous "experts". Always make sure to check thoroughly a portfolio of results achieved by your doctor and plastic surgeon - best specialists will present and explain all services offered as well as list of achieved successful results from their procedures.


Frequently asked questions & their answers

Plastic surgery FAQ

Below you can find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about cosmetic surgery and aesthetic procedures. Asking your surgeon will provide the best answers to your specific questions. Your doctor should elaborate based on their evaluation of what the patient needs.

1. What is the difference between cosmetic and reconstructive surgery?

Cosmetic surgery is performed to reshape normal structures of the body to improve the patient’s appearance and self-esteem.

Reconstructive surgery is performed on abnormal structures of the body caused by congenital defects, developmental abnormalities, trauma, infection, tumors or disease. Reconstructive plastic surgery aims to improve function, but may also be done to approximate a normal appearance.

2. What should a patient know about recovery from cosmetic surgery?

Each and every patient tolerates pain and discomfort after plastic surgery in a unique and different way. Doctors will prescribe appropriate pain medication in order to help minimize any pain or discomfort. Most facial cosmetic operations have minimal discomfort after the procedure is done. Liposuction is more uncomfortable. Also, operations that require elevation or tightening of the muscles (abdominoplasty or breast augmentation) can cause serious discomfort and pain issues, which have to be monitored for a certain period of time.

3. What are the most popular cosmetic surgery operations and procedures for men?

Statistics show that among the top non-surgical cosmetic procedure for men in the last decade is Botox® injections. Liposuction, on the other hand, is usually the top surgical cosmetic procedure among male patients.

4. What are the possible risks regarding cosmetic plastic surgery?

There are certain risks that are associated with any surgical procedure. Find out what they are, how often they occur and how they will be handled if they do occur.

5. Will my surgery be performed under general or local anesthesia?

Always ask your doctor. Your surgeon will decide what type of anesthesia to use, depending on what’s most appropriate for your procedure and particular situation.


Healing & recovery
How much time will you need to recover from plastic surgery?

How much time will you need to properly recover from plastic surgery procedures?

Plastic surgery: healing times

This is among the question that are being asked the most when it comes to plastic surgery.

Below you can find the average times patients should take off from work and their usual daily routine (incl sports, driving, etc.) to fully and thoroughly recover from a plastic surgery procedure.

Keep in mind:

• that it is always better to schedule more recovery time than you think you’ll need.
• that if you’re having specific facial plastic surgery procedures social downtime might be of particular concern.

Recommended recovery time for some of the most popular plastic surgery procedures:

• breast augmentation - 1 week
• breast lift - 1 week
• breast reduction - 1 week
• brachioplasty (arm lift) - 1 week
• liposuction, liposculpture - 1 week
• gynecomasty - male chest reduction - 1 week
• tummy tuck - 3-4 weeks
• body lift - 3-4 weeks
• brow lift - 1-2 weeks
• facelift- 2 weeks
• blepharoplasty - eyelid surgery- 2 weeks

Read more
Read more about Reconstructive, Aesthetic and Cosmetic Plastic Surgery - only in – the medical social network

Read more about Reconstructive, Aesthetic and Cosmetic Plastic Surgery - only in – the medical social network. 

Библиография и източници:

1. Maniglia A.J.: Reconstructive rhinoplasty, 1989
2. P. Santoni-Rugiu: A History of Plastic Surgery, 2007
3. Description of Plastic Surgery American Board of Plastic Surgery
4. Wikipedia
5. Fraser, Suzanne: Cosmetic surgery, gender and culture. (Palgrave) ISBN 1-4039-1299-8, 2003
6. Gilman, Sander: Creating Beauty to Cure the Soul: Race and Psychology in the Shaping of Aesthetic Surgery. (Duke University Press) ISBN 0-8223-2144-0, 2005
7. Haiken, Elizabeth: Venus Envy: A History of Cosmetic Surgery. (Johns Hopkins University Press) ISBN 0-8018-5763-5, 2007.

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